Thursday, 25 October 2018

A Hair-rowing Experience

Do you remember flipping through magazines and wishing you had curls like the girls in there?

I do.

I was so fascinated with how big and bouncy those curls were. So natural looking, so full of life! Then, I remember marching into several potential hair salons, clinging on to that miserable magazine cut out, determined to get those same exact curls. 

"Those are not permanent, you know.", was the usual response. "They won't last.", was the other standard response. 

Then, almost all of them would promptly follow up with a suggestion that I get a more permanent perm.

After several rounds of this, I started thinking maybe that's it! That's how I'm gonna get me some long lasting natural curls and silly me, I succumbed.

I got my first permanent perm when I was 14 and I hated it and so did everyone around me. Yup, I could tell. It was in their eyes.

After the colourful rollers came off, and the perming solutions were washed away, I couldn't hide the massive disappointment that was written all over my face. 

It wasn't like anything I had imagined. 

The curls were way too small and tight, think instant noodles, and they made me look so much older than I really was.

I deeply regretted it.

To make me feel better though, the good people at the hair salon styled my hair so that it vaguely resembled those big, juicy curls I first fell in love with in the magazine. 

The magic only lasted for a while. Right after I washed my hair, they were gone.

As you can imagine, I was desperate to get my straight hair back. I would wet my hair ever so often and fine comb through those teeny, tweeny curls but they were so... long lasting!

I just had to live with it for six arduous months. During which I would hide them in a bun, wear a cap, a hat, whenever I could.

Perhaps that'll help you understand why I have in my possession around 19 (and counting...) curling tongs, straighteners, crimps - barrels of different sizes to create the kinda curls I desire. Yes, those big, bouncy curls.

That's why in this new series "How To Curl Long Hair Fast and Easy" I hope to share with you the best tips and tricks that I've picked up over the years. After experimenting with so many different kinds of hair tools, I hope to be able to show you how you can readily re-create the looks you want, yourself!

S-curl, C-curl, soft curl, lazy curl, natural curls, sexy waves, you name it! I have just the tool for it. So to make sure you don't miss a thing, do consider subscribing to my channel - click here!

Chat soon!

Lynette Tan

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