Tuesday, 31 October 2017

My Crowning Glory

Truth be told.

I’m terrified of aging too!

As my 42nd birthday draws near, I can’t help but feel a deep despondency and despair that I haven’t been able to make time standstill once more. But then again, who can?

So as it rolls around again, I’m even more determined to delay the ravages of time and reverse aging through eating natural, nutritious foods. And I purpose to use only natural products that nourish the cells in our body.

I mean, let’s face it!

Everyday we’re growing older; we see more lines on our faces. Our hair is thinning out. In fact, in June this year, I was diagnosed with alopecia areata.

I remember it was just after a photoshoot that I noticed a tiny bald patch just after my regular hairline, above my forehead. Even though my husband assured me that it was barely noticeable (I really think he was being kind), I knew and I knew it was there! I mean how can a beauty queen be without her crowning glory?

I was devastated.

My GP explained that alopecia areata is an auto-immune disease. In layman terms, my immune system was attacking my healthy hair follicles and destroying them, for reasons unknown! Even though she guaranteed that it wasn’t a permanent condition and that my hair was gonna grow back in a few months. I was a wreck!

Long story short, my hair did grow back in record time – one and a half months instead of the projected four to six months (see picture at top of page).

And here’s a list of things I did that I think really helped.

1. Nutrition

Everyday after a breakfast of soft boiled eggs, apart from my usual probiotics, fish oil and multi-vitamins, I’d take CanPrev’s Curcumin-Pro and Resvera-Pro to regenerate damaged hair follicles and stimulate healthy hair growth.

On top of that, I also drank regular doses of blended alfafa sprouts, carrots, and lettuce juice – a lethal concoction that promotes hair growth, according to Dr Norman Walker author of Become Younger

2. Massage

I was prescribed a steroid cream and 5% minoxidil to apply to the scalp day and night.

In addition to that, I also mixed my own organic hair growth oil using refined emu oil, and therapeutic grade thyme, lavender, cedarwood atlas, and rosemary essential oils. Then I would lie on my back with my head hanging off the bed and massage my scalp for at least four minutes to promote blood circulation to the scalp.

3. Hair Products

Sometimes I get this sinking suspicion that the hair products I use contain a lot of chemicals and that’s what’s really causing my hair to come off. So during those one and half months that I was hoping, wishing and praying for my hair to grow back, I made my own shampoo using castile soap, distilled water, jojoba oil, vitamin E and essential oils. I also stopped colouring and styling my hair.

Plus, I also did regular hot oil treatments using black castor oil and coconut oil to nourish the hair roots too.

I’m currently trying out other natural hair care products and I hope to share them with you really soon.

Meanwhile, Happy Midweek!

Lynette Tan

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