Tuesday, 28 February 2017

The Milky No-Way

Have you ever wondered what the purpose of milk is, in general?

I mean if human mothers breast-fed their babies and, after a while, they are weaned of it, why do humans continue drinking milk throughout their lives?

And you know what's really weird?

Say if each mammalian species produces their own unique blend ideal for its babies, to ensure that the young of that species grow quickly, then don't you think there's something seriously questionable about us drinking cow's milk from cradle to grave?

Like have you ever seen a kid suckling a cow's bosom? I meant a baby goat, btw, lol!

So if a baby goat grows healthy on a mother goat's milk and and a cow's milk nourishes its calf, why on earth are humans drinking cow's milk?

Numerous research have concurred that 
cow's milk is on the whole found to be the most mucous forming food. It not only causes an excessive build-up of acid in the body but also inflammation. But why are humans still nursing off cows? It's because they're afraid that their nails and their teeth will fall out!

I stopped drinking milk in my 20s convinced, after I read
Fit for Life book by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, that it's impossible for me have a calcium deficiency.

Fact is, all green leafy vegetables contain calcium as with fruits, raw nuts and seeds
. And I usually eat a variety of these throughout the day anyway. I still have my full set of teeth, and my nails have never been stronger with no ridges, no cracks nor splits! I used to have to hide behind expensive manicures my dry, brittle nails with dark lines running right down the centre of my thumbnails so I know exactly what I'm talking about!


According to Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, raw sesame seeds contain more calcium than any other food on earth! So get a grinder and fill it with unhulled black sesame seeds (yes, they're more nutritious) and leave it on your dining table so you can easily add it to your foods whenever and reap the fullest benefits of it! But if sesame seeds are not your thing, other great sources of calcium include all raw nuts, kelp, all leafy greens and even concentrated fruits like figs, dates and prunes.

Right, so milk's out but what about ice-cream and yogurt? I'm a huge fan of the two, I can tell you that! And yes I can hear those pints of Ben & Jerry's calling out to me in the still of the night every now and then. LOL!

Thankfully, health pundits say it's okay to have it once in a while but have it plain (with NO additional toppings especially fruits coz they'll only ferment and putrefy inside) and on an empty stomach so that it doesn't cause indigestion, and it leaves your system asap!

Guess the point I'm trying to make is that cow's milk is simply not designed for human consumption, whatever form it takes. And if it's already an integral part of your diet, then definitely consider switching to a more healthful option like almond milk. In fact, make your own with the recipe provided in the link above and let me know how that works for you!

Lynette Tan

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Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Brain food: Fish Oil

Do you recall having to take spoonfuls of a yucky, thick, whitish liquid, your parents said were good for you?

I remember thinking out loud in protest each time they tried to feed me that: "What's so good about cod liver oil?"

Dreadful, right? I hated it!

This episode would replay itself many more times over the years until the orange-flavoured version - which was slightly more palatable - hit the shelves. And so for that season of my life, I didn't quite mind having the cod-liver oil.

Years have passed since my last tablespoon-full of the orange-flavoured liquid. Never quite thought of consuming it again until one fine day when I woke up with this "bright idea" that maybe I do need to take some cod liver oil after all (or some other alternatives which were just as effective)! LOL!

So that was how my search for the perfect brain food began.

At a friend's recommendation, I first started off with flaxseed oil - a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid. It served me well, for a while, I think.

But still, I had the tendency to lose my train of thought, mid-sentence. And I'd forget where I'd left my things, or walk from one room to another to get something only to draw a blank when I got there. (Has that happened to you before as well?)

Point is, I didn't feel like the flaxseed oil was particularly beneficial for boosting my memory. But I kept that up for a year until I started reading about fish oil again.

From my readings and discussions with health aficionados, what really stood out for me was the importance of two omega-3 fatty acids, which is found abundantly in marine sources. Research has shown that when taken together, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) combined with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) can boost brain function and prevent memory loss! EPA + DHA have also been found effective in curbing stiffness and joint pain, as well as in lowering inflammation, which is responsible for heart attacks and strokes!

Besides, given that 60 per cent of our brain is made up of fat, with 25 per cent of that fat being DHA, it made sense that we supplement our diet with DHA!

According to the authors of Smart Fat, the recommended daily dosage of EPA + DHA is 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams. And the way to figure your dose is to look at how much of EPA + DHA is contained within a 1,000-milligram capsule of fish oil. So if the bottle says each capsule has 400mg EPA + 200mg DHA, that means each capsule contains only 600mg of EPA +DHA.

So, by taking just one such capsule of fish oil every morning along with my high-fat, high-protein breakfast, I know I'll have a baseline of 600mg of EPA + DHA! This will be supplemented by my regular consumption of fish. That has so far worked well for me, much better and more convenient than having to take five flaxseed oil capsules.

And because flaxseed oil is primarily a medium chain omega-3 called alpha linoleic acid (ALA), only five percent of it would get converted into EPA + DHA in our bodies! Imagine how many flaxseed oil capsules I would have to eat to get the fullest benefit of the EPA + DHA!

At the end of the day, if you aren't used to taking either of these supplements, just make sure you get an adequate supply of omega-3 fatty acids from your food. Consciously choose to eat fish high in EPA + DHA like wild trout and salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring and anchovies two to three times per week and you'll be just fine! Otherwise, be like me: take a combination of both EPA + DHA capsules and a healthy portion of fish in your diet!

Lynette Tan

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Tuesday, 14 February 2017

The Miracle Oil of Oregano

We bumped into our regular GP just the other day and she commented that she hasn't seen me in a while. "Isn't that a good thing?", quipped my honest-to-goodness hubby. LOL!

It IS a good thing that I haven't needed antibiotics or any other drug like that for more than six months!

Sure, there were times I felt under the weather and was on the verge of catching a nasty cough or cold but nope! Like a miracle, it always turns around! Seriously!

Now, what if I told you that there's a "miracle medicine" that could keep you from falling sick? This same substance could also cure just about anything from bacterial infections on your skin to reducing the inflammation in your throat, lungs and sinus. This naturally-occurring, safe substance is also a powerful painkiller and one of nature's most potent antibiotics!


The oil of oregano is not only antiviral, it's also antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti-microbial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory.

I applied it to my pimple (yes I still have pimples, can you imagine that! I'm so young, lol!) and it dried up and fell off in two days! I neither picked nor prodded at it!

You could also apply a couple of drops to your skin to prevent the mozzies from attacking you and your children. Or, if you've already been bitten, you could also apply it on the insect bites for instant relief!

And if you need relief from a bad throat, just add a few drops of oregano oil into your water bottle and drink it throughout the day to keep that nasty cough at bay! And then drop a few drops of oregano oil just at the back of your throat or under your tongue every other day for maintenance till you feel like you're back in the pink!

Notice I keep emphasising "a few drops"? That's because the oil of oregano is a hot oil. Too much of it won't kill but it can cause a peppery sensation.

I usually carry my hot oregano oil everywhere with me. It's particularly useful to do so when in crowded places and the people around you cough or sneeze indiscriminately and you get paranoid about the germs infecting you. Again, just drop a few drops of oregano oil under your tongue and you'll be very well protected from catching those airborne bugs.

Normally, I get my 15ml bottle (approx. 450 drops) from Elixir Botanica because I'm assured that CanPrev's oil of oregano comes from the Mediterranean mountains and that it's gone through a rigorous steam distillation process. I get the purest, naturally occurring aromatic oil suspended in a medium chain triglyceride concoction of coconut and palm oil to prevent oxidation.

And when you do decide to pop by the store to get some, let them know that Lynette Tan sent you, so they'll give you a free demo on how to use this amazing oil. Try it for yourself and be convinced!

Before leaving this discussion about the miracle oil of oregano, I just wanna mention that there's another oil that I swear by as well - a potent brain food that also helps prevent memory loss. More about that in my next post!

Lynette Tan

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Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Eat Fat, Fight Fat

On November 15th last year, I attended my first ever business networking session with Business Networking International (BNI) and met with business leaders from diverse industries. It’s amazing what this community does in helping people connect with each other and secure new business deals through the power of connectivity. Of the conversations I had, the most memorable was with a gym instructor who believes in skipping breakfast.

My curiosity was piqued.

I mean, aren't we taught that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? That we have to eat it like kings, lunch like princes and dinner like paupers? Haven't we read in magazines that when we skip breakfast we're actually slowing down our metabolism? That breakfast is essential for kickstarting our systems?

So I pressed further and found out that he actually takes only a tablespoon of coconut oil every morning. For him, that amount of "fuel for the body" was enough to last till noon.

Really? Can it be? Can life be made any simpler? Just a tablespoonful of coconut oil every morning? Did I really chance upon a quick-fix breakfast solution to crazy mornings when I had to rush for work? 

I went back that day inspired to try out this same "prescription", to see how it'll work for me. I'm glad to share that ever since I started taking a tablespoon of coconut oil every morning, I've not been experiencing hunger pangs and the need to eat. And as a result, I've been able to maintain my ideal weight of 46kg.

Another added benefit I've discovered along the way is that the regular consumption of coconut oil helps take away excess belly fat. It's also got many antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti fungal, and antiviral properties that help to promote great health.

Coconut oil is also good for the heart, helps boost brain function, keeps your weight in check and prevents liver and kidney diseases. Besides strengthening your immunity, it's even a great fuel for exercise!

I've also experimented with coconut oil as an antidote on days when I wasn't feeling well. In fact, in a recent trip I made to India just over Christmas and New Year, constant changes in temperatures (it drops to about 17 degrees celsius when the sun goes down) resulted in me feeling a little under the weather. But because I diligently took a tablespoon of coconut oil every morning, I just kept on going and going and going! How awesome is that!

I literally nursed myself back to health with a tablespoon of coconut oil every morning, lotsa fresh coconut juice, plus the right food combo. And never felt better! Woo-hoo! But of course, if you have any pre-existing health conditions, do check in with your doctor before you begin a regular diet of coconut oil.

So, besides coconut oil, are there any other oils that are beneficial for you? Stick with me to find out more!

Lynette Tan


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